Thursday, April 25, 2013

25 April 2013

Jason Lee b. 1970
Gina Torres b. 1969
Hank Azaria b. 1964
Peter Jurasik b. 1950

Some very good actors are sharing a birthday today, but as regular readers know, my standard operating procedure is "Pretty Girl = picture slot".

It's an excellent rule, don't you agree?
In the year 2000!

Prediction: The greatest invention to come: A replicator that can copy anything.

Predictor: Arthur C. Clarke on the BBC-TV show Panorama in 1964

Reality: To be fair, Clarke put this prediction at the end of his list and it's clear it was more of a wish than a prediction. He's not the only person in science fiction to long for such a thing. There were replicators on the original Star Trek series and Jean-Luc Picard is famous for asking for "Tea, Earl Grey, hot".

The problem is that matter comes in these pesky packages called molecules and you can't just have a near infinite supply of these hanging around until some bald guy decides he wants a tea mixed with a little citrus at a specific temperature in a nice China teacup.

Looking one day ahead... INTO THE FUTURE!

Tomorrow it's a German chocolate postcard! I don't know yet the prediction for the year 2000 will be accurate or way off base, but it's a safe bet the illustration will be charming.


Join us then... IN THE FUTURE!

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